Friday, March 27, 2009

Blog Post 17: Feliz Cumpleanos - It's a Banner Day

March 26
Feliz Cumpleanos – Today I turned 60!! Holy smoke – how did this happen?

As we are riding down in the elevator of our building to go for breakfast, David apologizes, for perhaps the 3rd time, telling me he hasn’t yet gotten me a birthday card. I tell him not to worry.

But as we leave our apartment building, I look to my left and there, stretched across our street, is a fabulous brightly colored banner…wishing me a happy birthday.

I just love it, as corny as that sounds. I feel like a celebrity in my neighborhood. It’s just so much fun. All day long, every time we go in or out of our building, every time we turn the corner to go home, there it is, making me smile. Thanks David…it’s better than a card!

Rick and Kevin drop off a beautiful bouquet of flowers,

We spend the day doing a little shopping, a little eating, a little visiting with friends. Jim brings me a lovely necklace.

David has made a reservation for dinner at our new favorite restaurant, Lola, for 2 at 8:30, or so he tells me.

But when we walk in, there are Kevin, Rick and Jim sitting at the bar waiting for us...he’s arranged a surprise party for me! We have a bottle of champagne at the bar…

then the maitre' d shows us to our table (without my knowing it, David had picked it out and planned the evening a few days before with the restaurant owner)

David and three great friends,

our favorite Malbec, fabulous food, more Malbec, fabulous desserts, more champagne, a birthday brownie covered with dulce de leche and marshmallow topping!!! What more could a girl want?

I have a wonderful birthday… and feel like 60 may not be so bad.